Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department activities

The Department was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the introduction of a qualitatively new system of training qualified personnel in the field of criminal investigation" No. 257 dated November 28, 2022.

Since January 2023, the Academy of Law Enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been training the teaching staff of students and trainees in courses that are part of the bachelor's and master's degree system in specialties, retraining and advanced training.

Main functions of the department:

in the organization of educational work and education – The organization of educational work aimed at training highly qualified, scientific and analytical specialists in educational areas and specialties "jurisprudence: prosecutorial activity", "investigative activity" using advanced innovative methods and technologies with the full implementation of a credit-modular system, with the ability to interpret regulatory documents on the ground and independently draw conclusions; in the field of scientific and methodological work - development and regular improvement of the scientific and methodological foundations of the educational process, provision of teaching staff, students and students with teaching materials, preparation of scientific and methodological materials based on modern, foreign and domestic scientific literature and experiments based on the content of the modules of the department;

in the field of scientific research - from the priorities of political and economic, socio–cultural reforms carried out in the country, to conducting research on topical topics, taking into account the world experience of scientific research and international standards, and ensuring the practical implementation of their results;

in the field of organizational and methodological work - analysis and evaluation of the quality of education on the basis of mutual control, as well as ensuring the effective organization of other organizational and methodological measures;

in the field of spiritual, moral and educational affairs - to educate students in the spirit of society, love for the Motherland, duty and loyalty, to increase social activity and initiative, to educate in the spirit of respect for our national and spiritual values, to form an independent-minded free personality, to promote intellectual, physical and moral maturation, to form an active civic position.

Also, the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, improve and retrain them, work with projects of practical innovative programs, improve their qualifications in foreign countries, train highly qualified personnel who meet modern and international standards, carry out specific targeted work to create a teacher-mentor system between staff and young specialists with rich intellectual and scientific and pedagogical abilities.

Subjects taught by professors and teachers of the department:

- The modern history of Uzbekistan;

- Religious studies. Religious doctrine, spiritual and educational foundations of the fight against extremism and terrorism;

- Philosophy of Law;

- Professional and speech culture;

- Sociology;

- Written basis of the prosecutor's speech;

- Basics of the investigator's written speech;

- Political Science;

- Logic;

- Ethics and aesthetics;

- Methodology of scientific research;

- Methods of teaching special subjects.


Shayzakov Shodiyor Ibragimovich



Head of the Department, Doctor of Philosophical Legal Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

+99890 176-77-14

71 202-04-96 (1752)


On October 21, 2021, at the Academic Council of the Academy, he successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of legal Sciences on the topic "Organizational and legal foundations of the prosecutor's participation in administrative proceedings": comparative legal analysis". Specialty "12.00.07 - Judicial system. Prosecutor's supervision. Organization of the activities of law enforcement agencies. Advocacy.".

On January 30, 2023, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he was awarded the academic title of "associate professor" in the specialty "12.00.07 – Judicial power. Prosecutor's supervision. Organization of the activities of law enforcement agencies. Advocacy".

He has been working in the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan for about 15 years. Adviser of Justice. He received a number of awards and incentives from the Prosecutor General.

During his teaching career, he became the author and co-author of about 50 scientific articles, 1 monograph, 4 course books, 2 textbooks, 4 scientific and practical manuals, 2 methodological manuals, 1 scientific treatise.