Department of operational search activity and cyber law

Department of operational search activity and cyber law

The main tasks of the department:

- formation of law enforcement practice in the areas of operational-investigative activities and cyberlaw, participation in the educational and methodological process on topical issues of reforming the sphere and the implementation of educational and methodological, educational, practical, research work, conducting classes in specified subjects and training modules;

- participation in improving the quality of education, the introduction of new methods and technologies of education by improving existing methods, forms and styles of education;

- participation in fundamental, scientific research in relevant areas and problems, preparation of educational, teaching and methodological, teaching and practical aids;

- participate in the examination of research works carried out in affiliated areas, give opinions, recommendations and reviews on them;

- regular participation in scientific journals and collections with scientific articles and events with scientific lectures;

- promotion of legislation, improvement of legal culture in society, participation in the development of draft departmental and regulatory legal documents.




Karimov Vakhabjan



Professor of the Department, Senior Counselor of Justice, Doctor of Law, Professor

During his long years of work in the prosecutor's office, he proved himself as a highly qualified specialist, experienced and responsible employee. He has many years of practical, scientific and pedagogical experience.


During his career, he published more than 100 scientific and popular scientific articles in republican magazines, newspapers and collections of scientific articles, 7 textbooks ("Quick-search activity: general part", "Quick-search activity", "Theory of quick-search activity ” and others), 4 monographs ("Educational and organizational aspects of ensuring legality in emergency search activities", "Emergency search activities and human rights", 2 comments on the law, etc.), 33 educational and methodological manuals were published .

As a member of the Council of the Academy of Law Enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a member of the specialized scientific council and scientific seminar under the Academy, he is actively participating in the training of scientific personnel in the field of jurisprudence as a member of the closed scientific council under the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In 2020-2023, he supervised 9 research projects, and also prepared conclusions as an official opponent of dissertations prepared for receiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). During his general scientific activity, he was the scientific supervisor of 3 doctor of philosophy in legal sciences, more than 10 master's theses and more than 20 graduation qualification theses.


Turgunov Asrorjon Anvarovich



Senior lecturer of the Department, Junior Advisor of Justice

During his long years of work in law enforcement agencies, he has shown himself as a highly qualified specialist, experienced and responsible employee. Has many years of practical experience.

During his career, he published more than 10 scientific and popular scientific articles, co-authored 2 teaching-methodical manuals in the republic's top journals, newspapers and collections of scientific articles.

Today, as an independent researcher, he has successfully defended his dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences on the topic "Prospects of using the possibilities of modern information technologies in the investigation of criminal cases".



Shukurov Jakhongir Rabbonayevich




Teacher of the Department, Junior Counselor of Justice.

During his career, he published more than 10 scientific and popular scientific articles, co-authored 1 educational and methodological manual (working on reconciliation cases in the Republic of Uzbekistan) in the republic's top journals, newspapers and collections of scientific articles.

Today, as an independent researcher, he has successfully defended his dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences on the topic "Application of the Institute of Reconciliation in the Republic of Uzbekistan and its improvement prospects".
