Faculty of Masters

Faculty of Masters

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5438 dated May 8, 2018, “On measures to radically improve the system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel of the prosecutor’s office”, since 2019, the activity of the magistracy department has been founded at the Academy.

By Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-257 dated November 28, 2022, “On the introduction of a qualitatively new system for training qualified personnel in the field of crime investigation”, the magistracy department was transformed into a faculty.

Our goals:

training of qualified specialists in the relevant areas of the prosecutor's office;

assistance to students of the master's program in building their potential, including in system analysis and critical thinking;

formation of knowledge and skills for the development of personal and business qualities of students;

stimulation of educational, educational, methodological and scientific activities of young researchers;

further improvement of the knowledge and skills of students by sending them to internships in public authorities, higher educational institutions and research centers, including foreign countries;

ensuring the inseparable connection of students' theoretical knowledge with law-making activities and law enforcement practice.


Our main tasks:

coordination and control of the activities of the relevant departments of the Academy for the preparation of masters;

regular analysis of indicators of the quality of educational activities of masters and preparation of reports on them;

organization of the educational process in accordance with modern forms and methods of education, providing an inextricable link between theoretical education and law enforcement practice;

development of proposals for cooperation with leading domestic and foreign educational institutions, analytical and research centers;

making proposals to the leadership of the Academy on the involvement in the educational process of leading specialists from the prosecutor's office, judicial and law enforcement agencies, as well as leading domestic and foreign educational institutions;

development of master's programs and curricula in agreement with the relevant departments;

ensuring timely preparation and execution of documents related to students;

control over the observance by students of the magistracy of the ethical rules and internal regulations of the Academy, as well as the conduct of qualifying practice and internships;

submission of the topic of the master's thesis and the list of scientific supervisors to the leadership of the Academy for preparation and approval;

organization for the final state certification of students of the magistracy.

Also, enforcement:

Decrees of the Council of the Academy;

Orders of the Prosecutor General's Office and the leadership of the Academy;

annual work plans.


Khamidov Azizbek Olimjonovich



Head of the faculty of magistracy, junior adviser of justice.

Carries out dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: "Issues of improving the organizational and legal framework for ensuring the execution of court documents."

Email: hamidov_a@proacademy.uz

During his service in the prosecutor's office, he was awarded Certificates of Honor by the leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office.


Oblakulov Davlat Oltinboyevich




Senior Prosecutor of the Master's Faculty.

He is conducting a research  to receive the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences on the topic of "Improving criminal liability for commercial bribery (based on international standards and the experience of some foreign countries)".

Two monographs (on the basis of co-authorship) and more than 40 scientific articles of him have been published so far.

Email: d.o.oblakulov@proacademy.uz