Department of combating economic crimes and money laundering

Department of combating economic crimes and money laundering


The objective of the department is to prepare personnel for future professional activities in the field of economic crimes, money laundering, terrorism financing, and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. This includes shaping and developing their professional knowledge, skills, and qualifications, as well as conducting educational, methodological, practical, and research activities.



The department conducts the following modules:

Organization of Activities to Combat Economic Crimes and Money Laundering, Countering the Illegal Use of Energy Resources, Counteracting Terrorism Financing, Fundamentals of Economic Security, Current Issues in Anti-Corruption Efforts, Freezing, Placing, Confiscation of Non-operating Assets, Asset Management, Conducting Financial (Parallel) Investigations in Cases of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.



Upon completion of the modules, students should:

Have knowledge of the essence of economic crimes, money laundering, terrorism financing, energy resource theft, corrupt practices, their characteristics, types, bases of liability, peculiarities of prosecution, and international standards in this field.

Possess skills in applying specialized methods for organizing and uncovering economic crimes, money laundering, preventing and combating terrorism financing, collecting information, working with open-source data, conducting financial investigations, and recovering criminal proceeds and assets.

Be capable of organizing measures effectively and appropriately to combat economic crimes, money laundering, and terrorism financing, as well as applying the acquired skills."



Within the scope of educational and instructional activities, the department's professorial and teaching staff have developed and published educational materials such as 'Financial Investigation of Cases Involving Money Laundering', 'Detection of Mechanisms for Energy Resource and Drinking Water Theft', 'National System for Combating Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing', 'Responsibility for Tax Offenses', and several other brochures and instructional recommendations.

Currently, the department is also working on preparing relevant educational literature for the modules it offers.

The department operates an educational and methodological center focused on countering money laundering and terrorism financing.

The main activities of the center are:

- Conducting scientific research in the field of countering money laundering, proceeds obtained through criminal means, terrorism financing, and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

-Organizing and conducting educational and methodological events on countering money laundering, proceeds obtained through criminal means, and terrorism financing.

-Periodically organizing educational and practical workshops for retraining and skill enhancement, involving experts from foreign countries and experienced specialists in the field.

-Developing a unified educational and methodological base in the system of personnel retraining and skill enhancement.

-Contributing to the enhancement of the effectiveness of the national system through collaboration with foreign countries and the exchange of mutual experiences.

In the realm of scientific and methodological activities, the department's professorial and teaching staff have published more than 40 articles in international scientific journals, over 30 articles in national scientific journals, and more than 15 abstracts in collections of international and national conferences.   

In terms of facilitating international cooperation, the department has established effective collaboration with influential international organizations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the Council of Europe, and the European Union in the field of combating economic crimes, money laundering, terrorism financing, asset recovery, and the implementation of international standards into national legislation. Seminars, training, and conferences are organized to study foreign experience and enhance the professional skills and qualifications of law enforcement personnel.




Khatamov Zokhid Tolibzhonovich



Head of the Department of Combating Economic Crimes and Money Laundering, Senior Counselor of Justice.


From 2015 to 2017, he was the co-chair of the Working Group on Typologies for the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

From 2019 to 2022, he was the co-chair of the Working Group on Technical Cooperation of the Eurasian Group.


a commemorative sign "25 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

a commemorative sign "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan".


Rakhimov Rustamjon Khamidovich



Senior Lecturer at the Department of Combating Economic Crimes and Money Laundering, Counselor of Justice.

He is pursuing dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: 'Theoretical and Practical Issues in Financial Investigation of Money Laundering'.


Member of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.


a commemorative sign "25 years of the Constitution of Uzbekistan"

a commemorative sign "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan".


Mirzayev Fayzulla Ibadullayevich



Associate Professor at the Department of Combating Economic Crimes and Money Laundering, Counselor of Justice.

Candidate of economic sciences, he is conducting dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of economic sciences on the topic: "Improvement of administrative-legal mechanisms of combating money laundering".


Awarded a commemorative sign "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan".


Jabbarov Ahmad Ravshanovich



Senior lecturer at the Department of Combating Economic Crimes and Money Laundering.

He is conducting dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (Ph.D.) on the topic: "Improvement of organizational and legal foundations of public-private partnership in the education system".


Awarded a commemorative sign "30 years of Independence of Uzbekistan"


Gafurov Ikromjon Ilxomovich



Lecturer at the Department of Combating Economic Crimes and Money Laundering, Senior Counselor of Justice.





a commemorative sign "25 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

a commemorative sign "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan".


Ibragimov Murodjon Jumanazarovich



Lecturer at the Department of Combating Economic Crimes and Money Laundering.
