Department of state and legal Sciences

Department of state and legal Sciences

The purpose of the department is the formation and development of knowledge, skills and qualifications of students and trainees in modern legal sciences with the organization of the educational process aimed at ensuring the continuity of theoretical training based on modern forms of teaching, pedagogical and information technologies with jurisprudence law enforcement practice, including in the form of distance learning.


The department conducts the following modules:

8 bachelor's degree subjects - Constitutional Law, Theory of State and Law, Administrative Law, Administrative Liability, Registration of procedural documents in administrative cases, Financial Law, Labor Law, Family Law.

1 subject of the master's degree – Legal Drafting.

3 subjects of advanced training and retraining courses - Issues of Financial Law, Administrative Liability, Participation in legal drafting and improvement of legal culture in society.




Azizov Nasimbek Abdumukhtorovich



Head of the Department of State and Legal Sciences, Counsellor of Justice

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Legal Sciences on the topic: "Improvement of proceedings  in the economic courts of the first instance".


Phone: 71-202-04-96 (1915) 

He is a co-author of about 10 scientific and educational literature.


Khojiyev Erkin Tuygunovich



Professor of the Department, Counsellor of Justice, Candidate of Law.

He defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: “Legal liability for violations of tax laws.”



commemorative badge "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

commemorative badge "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

commemorative badge "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

is the author and co-author of about 20 scientific and educational literature.


Rustamov Sanjar Suhrobovich



Acting Senior teacher of the Department

Conducts dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: "Improvement of administrative liability for the commission of several offenses".



commemorative badge "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" 


Shonazarov Ulfat Ibrogim ogli



Acting senior lecturer of the Department

Conducts dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: “Civil law regulation of the seizure of land for state and public needs”.



Ibadullayev Sarvarbek Shuhrat ogli



Acting teacher of the Department of State and Legal Sciences

Conducts dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in legal sciences (PhD) on the topic: “Criminal record in the criminal law of the Republic of Uzbekistan: theory and practice".



Rakhmatillayev Jasurbek Rakhmatilla ogli




Acting teacher of the Department

Conducts dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: “Civil law regulation of privatization of land plots not intended for agriculture”.
