Department of Criminalistics and forensic science

Department of Criminalistics and forensic science

The Department of Criminalistics and forensic science of the Academy of law enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established in accordance with the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 28, 2022 "on the introduction of a qualitatively new system for training qualified personnel in the field of criminal investigation"PF-257.

The Department of Criminalistics and forensic science is considered a specialized department for investigative activities and carries out the educational process in subjects focused on investigative activities. Also in the department there is an investigative field and Criminalistics Laboratory, where in order to practically strengthen theoretical education, there is an opportunity to model cases of crimes committed in domestic conditions and analyze mistakes and shortcomings that are allowed in investigative actions.






The main goals and objectives of Criminalistics and forensics are as follows:

Interpretation of normative legal documents using the module system and methods of innovation of teaching, which can provide highly qualified, analytical feedback on legal education directions and specialties using information and communication technologies and the organization of educational work aimed at the formation of specialists with the skill of independent decision-making, capable of advancing and solving prospective tasks;

in the field of scientific and methodological work-development of scientific and methodological foundations of the educational process, provision of educational and methodological materials, introduction of modern educational technologies that serve to improve the productivity and quality of education and efficiency of professors and teachers, studying foreign experience in this field;

in the field of spiritual-moral and educational affairs - to promote the spiritual, intellectual, physical and moral maturation of the student (listener) youth and respect national values, nurture in the spirit of patriotism, a sense of citizenship, tolerance, respect for laws, national and universal values, who can resist harmful influences and currents, have firm beliefs and views on life, feel their responsibility to the state and society, understand and adhere to the criteria of humanism, interethnic harmony, justice and the rule of law.






Astanov Istam Rustamovich



Head of the Department of Criminalistics and forensics of the law enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, doctor of legal sciences, professor

Defended his doctoral dissertation on" Processual and criminalistics aspects of the use of special knowledge in criminal cases".


Qualified in the United States, Republic of Korea, Japan (UNIFAI organization in 2019). He is an expert in the areas of Criminal Procedural Law, criminalistics, forensic science, digital evidence collection, verification, evaluation, investigation of cybercrime.

I.Astanov published 163 scientific works during his labor career. Of these, he published 132 articles in Republican journals, newspapers and collections of scientific articles, 11 of them in foreign publications, 4 textbooks in co-authorship, 6 brochures, 6 educational-methodological manuals, 7 manuals, 2 educational-practical manuals, 2 Reviews, 5 monographs.

I.Astanov published methodological manuals for employees of the prosecutor general's office system entitled "possibilities of investigative action", "procedure for appointing and conducting an examination", "appointment and conducting an inspection in the preliminary investigation", "procedural and tactical fundamentals of the preliminary investigation", the process of obtaining samples for examination: problem and solution".

He was awarded a "certificate of Honor" by order of the attorney general.


Bahodirov Utkirkhon Bakhriddinovich



Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Science, Academy of law enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

U.B.Bakhodirov has developed an educational and methodological complex in the direction of" the right to personal freedom and immunity "and participated in the creation of the content of the training course on the topic

"The right to personal freedom and immunity".


A training program was developed by U.B.Bakhodirov on the topic "Analysis of international standards on the right to personal freedom and immunity (on the example of UN, European, Regional documents)" on the teaching module "The right to personal freedom and immunity" to listeners at the graduate level, and the professors of Lund University of Sweden, in cooperation, increased their knowledge and practical skills on national and worldwide range.

In addition, in collaboration with professors, he is developing an electronic textbook on the module "Criminalistics and forensic science".


Rizaev Khudoynazar Amirulla ugli



Teacher of the Department of Criminology and forensic science of the Academy of law enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan

He is carrying out a dissertation study to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal Sciences on the topic" Improving the activities of educational management bodies and educational institutions in the field of prevention of violations".


During his labor career, Kh. Rizaev published 8 scientific works. 5 of his articles were published in Republican journals, newspapers and collections of scientific articles, 3 of them in foreign publications.


Anorboev Murodjon Rakhmankul ugli



He is a teacher of the Department of Criminology and forensic science, Doctor of philosophy in legal Sciences (PhD) of the Academy of law enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

During his career, M.Anorboev published a total of about 20 scientific works, including 17 scientific articles (9 scientific articles 3 in international scientific journals, 6 in Republican scientific journals, 8 theses 3 of them in international scientific conferences).


M.Anorboev, among the first in the Academy of law enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan, successfully defended the dissertation work on the topic "Criminal legal and criminological aspects of interfering in investigation or judicial proceedings" on January 16, 2023. The international scientific journal published a scientific article on the topic "New Constitution is becoming the highest example of fair law creativity in New Uzbekistan", a monograph on "Criminal-legal and criminological aspects of interfering in investigation or litigation".


Khojieva Ruzigul Khudoyberdievna



Teacher of the Department of Criminology and forensic science of the Academy of law enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Nowadays she is carrying out a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal Sciences is being conducted on the topic" Improvement of criminal legislation, which establishes responsibility for mediation in receiving bribes."


R.Khojieva has published more than 20 scientific works during her career. Of these, she published 14 scientific articles and abstracts in Republican journals, newspapers and collections of scientific articles, and 6 in foreign publications.



Akramova Muazzam Turdikul kizi



Lecturer of the Department of Criminology and forensic science of Law enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in legal Sciences (PhD)

In 2022, she defended a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on the topic "Special grounds for decriminalization".


M.Akramova published 40 scientific works during her career. Of these, she published 30 scientific articles in Republican journals, newspapers and collections of scientific articles, 10 of which were published in foreign publications.

From February 2023 to June 2023, she conducted practical training classes from the "Criminalistics and expertise" module for 3 courses and seminar classes from the "Public safety" module the law enforcement academy.


Nabiev Gayrat Shukhrat ugli



Teacher of the Department of Criminology and forensic science of the Academy of law enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan

G.Nabiev is a "Jurist" by his specialty, and by qualification is a "Forensic expert". He has got certificates giving the right to independent execution in 7 specialties of criminalistic expertise, "Dactyloscopy", "Thrasology", "Cold weapons research", "Technical examination of documents", "Correspondence", "Ballistics", "Portrait".


During his career, he has published 5 scientific works. Of these, he Published 3 scientific articles in Republican magazines, newspapers and collections of scientific articles, 1 of which was published in foreign publications.

He is the winner of the review competition "Forensic Expert of the Year", which was held in 2022.

G.Nabiev published an educational and methodological manual on the basis of co-authorship entitled "The process of obtaining samples for examination examination: problems and solutions".