Department of ensuring prosecutor's authority in courts and conducting executive work

Department of ensuring prosecutor's authority in courts and conducting executive work

The department participates in the processes of training personnel in the field of jurisprudence, professional retraining of employees and improving their qualifications, and carries out its activities in the following directions:

ensuring the authority of the prosecutor in criminal courts;

ensuring the prosecutor's authority in conducting civil court cases;

ensuring the authority of the prosecutor in conducting economic court cases;

ensuring the prosecutor's powers in administrative courts;

issues of application of criminal law norms by courts;

issues of application of civil legislation;

issues of execution of documents of judicial bodies and other bodies and control over the implementation of this legislation;

control over the implementation of legislation in the field of execution of criminal penalties.

jinoiy jazolarni ijro etish sohasidagi qonunchilik ijrosi ustidan nazorat.


Radjapova Mukhtaram Ziyodullayevna



Head of the department, associate professor, senior counselor of justice

She worked in the prosecutor's office in various positions since 1982. Head of the department since May 2018.

The winner of the "Fame" medal, the medal "For excellent services of the 3rd level" of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the medal of the State Committee for Family and Women of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Woman of Honor".


She is the author of a number of methodological and practical manuals, practicums on the direction of ensuring the authority of the prosecutor in the conduct of economic court cases, as well as monographs on the topics "Legal bases of the participation of the prosecutor in the courts", "Improving the functions and powers of the prosecutor in the trial of criminal cases in higher court instances: a comparative legal analysis" and " Co-author of the textbook "Civil Procedural Law".


Mirzafar Mirsalikhov



Senior lecturer of the department, senior counselor of justice.

He has been working in various responsible positions in the prosecutor's office since 1984 and has been working in his current position since 2018.

His work in the prosecutor's office was duly appreciated, he was awarded the medal "For Loyal Services", the badge of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan "For excellent services of the 2nd level", he is an honorary employee of the prosecutor's office.


His work in the prosecutor's office system was adequately assessed and awarded the medal for "Loyal services", the badge of the 2nd degree for outstanding services of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan; he is an honorary employee of the prosecutor's office.

"Prosecutor's control over the execution of sentences not related to deprivation of liberty", "Prosecutor's control over ensuring the legality of detention during criminal proceedings", "Organization of prosecutor's control over the execution of legal acts in places of deprivation of liberty", "Related to deprivation of liberty the author of educational and practical manuals such as "Prosecutor's control over the implementation of administrative control over persons released from penal institutions" and methodological manuals on the topic "Prosecutor's control over the implementation of legislation in the execution of criminal sentences".

He is an expert in the review of draft laws being developed in the direction of improving criminal law and enforcement of court decisions.


Usmanov Saydakbar Saydakhmedovich



Senior teacher of the department, legal counselor.

He has been working in the system of prosecutor's offices since 2004, in his current position since 2018.

S.S. Usmanov worked as a member of the working group on the development and improvement of the draft Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 6, 2020 No. 3.


He is an expert on the projects of normative legal documents sent by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Court and other organizations in the direction of improving criminal and criminal-procedural legislation.

Also, he is the author of the training course on "Pressure against women and domestic violence" developed in cooperation with the international organization HELP (European Human Rights Training Program for Legal Professionals) for employees of prosecutor's offices, and has a special international certificate in this field.

He is the author of the practical manual "Some issues of the general part of criminal law". S.S. Usmanov co-authored the training manual entitled "Specific features of sentencing to minors".


Kandahorova Dilnoza Sattarovna



Senior lecturer of the department, legal counselor.

She has been working in the system of prosecutor's offices since 1999, in her current position since 2021.

Winner of the "Shuhrat" medal.


During her work at the Academy, she actively participated in the creation of the book "Life in Defense of the Law" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Co-author of the scientific-practical manual on "Participation of the prosecutor in the consideration of certain categories of civil cases".

He actively participated in the development of the draft law on amendments and additions to some articles of the Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan based on his scientific analysis of a number of scientific articles, including "Some issues of the use of the mediation institution in resolving family disputes".

She is an expert on drafts of normative legal documents sent by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Supreme Court and other organizations in the direction of improving civil legislation.


Mirmahmudov Zokhidjon Irismatovich



The teacher of the department, judicial adviser has been working in the system of prosecutor's offices since 2002, in his current position since 2021.


Using modern information and pedagogical technologies, he taught the audience of the Academy how to organize the prosecutor's control over compliance with the laws on the execution of court documents and documents of other bodies, the procedure for collecting debts due to alimony obligations, confiscating, selling or destroying property transferred to state income, he has been conducting training sessions on current topics related to the cooperation of the Bureau with other bodies.

The author of the training manual on the topic "Solving procedural issues arising in the execution of court decisions in criminal cases".

Member of the working group on the new version of the Criminal Procedure Code.


Khudayberdiyeva Gulnora Amanmurodovna



Department teacher, Ph.D., associate professor.

Author of more than 120 scientific articles (including 2 in Scopus), published articles, methodical guide, 2 methodical instructions, monograph and 9 training manuals.


She is the author of the brochure "Legal provision of prevention of property disputes" and the educational manual "Intellectual property law".

According to international indicators, the h-index of citations to publications (according to Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases) is "5".

She was awarded the badge of "Honorable Woman".