Department of language teaching

Department of language teaching

The Department of language training of the Academy of law enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan was newly established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PF-257 dated November 28, 2022 "On the introduction of a qualitatively new system for training qualified personnel in the field of criminal investigation".

The department conducts classes in the direction of Master's degree from the module "Legal English", in the direction of Bachelor's degree from the modules"Russian language for lawyers", “Written and oral communication skills of a lawyer”, "Foreign language for lawyers".

Purpose, main tasks and functions of the Department of Language Teaching:

Ensuring the implementation of the educational laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, presidential decrees, orders, decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders of the prosecutor general, as well as orders of the head of the Academy;

the task of training specialists with higher education in the field of law enforcement is to develop speech skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in foreign languages at the same time as defining a communicative and practical character in the teaching of languages, correct, perceive information through hearing, read, analyze and improve text;

Formation of communicative competence of students and listeners studying a foreign language at all stages of education in the Republic of Uzbekistan in their activities in scientific and professional fields;

communicative competence of a foreign language-further improving the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and qualifications in the studied foreign language in the process of communication;

ensuring the organization of work learning and base practices of students and listeners;

ensuring the implementation of modern methods and tools for independent education of students and listeners;

to ensure the implementation in foreign languages of the results of research on new methods of training in the educational process, modern innovative pedagogical technologies, forms and tools, advanced experiments in the field of pedagogy and practical activities of law enforcement agencies;

ensuring the implementation of educational work, educational and methodological work on the basis of state educational standards, qualification requirements, educational plan and educational programs;

regularly working on it, improving the quality of the methodology of the process of conducting lessons, timely implementation of educational and methodological, scientific, spiritual, educational downloads established in the personal plan;

Organization of work on ensuring the creation, translation of educational and methodological complexes, textbooks and educational and methodological literature on relevant educational disciplines (modules) at the Department.


Kurbanova Svetlana Rashidovna




Head of the Department of language teaching at the Academy of law enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan

S.Kurbanova conducts classes in the "legal English" module for personnel who are in reserve for positions of leadership in the graduate direction of the Academy as well as in the prosecutor's office.

S.Kurbanova is the recipient of an international grant Fulbright FLTA program from the Bureau of educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of state, and also successfully completed two educational internship courses during one academic year at Florida International University, and won the II scholarship competition organized by the “El yurt umidi” foundation to train specialist personnel of ministries and departments abroad.

S.Kurbanova's articles have been published in prestigious national and international scientific journals. International and interdepartmental cooperation has been effectively established by the chair, actively engaging experienced specialists of a number of prestigious international organizations and higher education institutions in the process of teaching legal English at the Academy.

S.R.Kurbanova today is conducting a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal Sciences on "Improving the teaching of English on the basis of e-learning to employees of the prosecutor's office".