Preliminary investigation and inquiry department

Preliminary investigation and inquiry department


The Department of Preliminary Investigation and Inquiry of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP-257 dated November 28, 2022 “On the introduction of a qualitatively new system for training qualified personnel in the field of crime investigation”.

The Department of Preliminary Investigation and Inquiry is a department specializing in investigative activities and carries out the educational process in subjects focused on investigative activities.

And also in the department there is an investigative ground, where, for the purpose of practical strengthening of theoretical education, crimes committed at home are modeled.


The department conducts the following modules:

5 bachelor's degree subjects – Investigative activity, Criminal-procedural law, Criminal-procedural documents, Investigation of corruption and economic crimes, Inquiry and investigation prosecutor's control over his activities.

5 subject of the master's degree – Protection of Victims' Rights, Inquiry and Investigation prosecutor's supervision over the activity, in criminal proceedings Minors' rights, corruption and economic current problems in the investigation of crimes, Crime actual problems of the process.

3 subjects of advanced training and retraining courses - Issues of Financial Law, Administrative Liability, Participation in legal drafting and improvement of legal culture in society.

For advanced training and retraining courses - advanced training of all preliminary investigation and inquiry bodies courses are conducted in a specialized manner.



Khikmatov Aziz Bobonarovich



Head of the preliminary investigation and inquiry department, Counsellor of Justice

He is working on a dissertation to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in legal sciences on the topic of "Issues of improving interrogation tactics".



memorial sign "25 years of Independence of Uzbekistan";

commemorative sign "25 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan";

commemorative sign "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan".

He is the author of the textbooks "Procedural and tactical foundations of the preliminary investigation", "Peculiarities of the investigation of the crime of premeditated murder".


Mirzaev Fakhritdin Ziyatovich



Senior lecturer of the Department of Preliminary Investigation and Inquiry,

Senior сounsellor of Justice

He is working on a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences on the topic of "Methodology of Homicide Investigation".



medal "Jasorat";

memorial sign "25 years of the Constitution of Uzbekistan";

memorial sign "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan";

commemorative sign "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan".

He is the author of the textbooks "Possibilities of inquiry", "Organization of prosecutor's control over the implementation of legislation on minors", "Powers of the prosecutor in pre-trial investigation", "Peculiarities of investigation of the crime of intentional murder".


Khudoyberdiev Bahadir Karimberdievich



Senior lecturer of the Department of Preliminary Investigation and Inquiry, Senior сounsellor of Justice

He is working on a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences on the topic of "Improving the legal basis of the activity of military prosecution bodies in the Republic of Uzbekistan".



memorial sign "15 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan";

memorial sign "20 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan";

memorial sign "20 years of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan";

memorial sign "25 years of Independence of Uzbekistan";

memorial sign "25 years of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan";

commemorative sign "25 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan";

medal "For Merit to the Association of Veterans of Uzbekistan";

by order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the badge "For exemplary service" of the 1st degree;

memorial sign "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan";

memorial sign "30 years of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan";

memorial sign "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan";

memorial sign "30 years of the Constitution of Uzbekistan".

Author of more than 20 articles and abstracts


Niyazov Alavitdin Kuchkarovich



Lecturer of the Department of Preliminary Investigation and Inquiry, Senior сounsellor of Justice candidate of legal sciences




He defended his thesis on the topic: "Social and legal responsibility and the limits of criminal liability for the threat to the Republic of Uzbekistan."


Shomirzaev Sakhodulla Khasanboevich



Senior lecturer of the Department of Preliminary Investigation and Inquiry, Counsellor of Justice

He is working on a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences on the topic of "Criminal Aspects of Suspect Interrogation".




In 2021, by the order of the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he was awarded the III-level "Excellence of the State Customs Service" badge.

He is the author of about 30 scientific articles and theses and co-author of several educational literature.


Radjabov Ulugbek Abdurakhmanovich



Lecturer of the Department of Preliminary Investigation and Inquiry, Junior Counselor of Justice

He is working on a dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences on the topic of "Issues of improving the investigation of the crime of bribery".



Тел: 71-202-04-96 (1746) 


Author of several scientific articles and theses.



Toshkuvvatov Sindor Yangiboy ogli



Lecturer of the Department of Preliminary Investigation and Inquiry, Counselor of Justice

He is working on a dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences on the topic "Improving the investigation of crimes related to extremism".




He is the co-author of about 10 scientific articles and methodological manuals.


Daminov Rustam Baxtiyor ogli



Lecturer of the Department of Preliminary Investigation and Inquiry, First Class Lawyer

He is working on a dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal sciences on the topic "Issues of improving responsibility for the legalization of proceeds from criminal activities".

