Scientific and Methodological Center for Digital Forensics

Scientific and Methodological Center for Digital Forensics

In accordance with the Decree of the Head of State No. PD-257, the Scientific and Methodological Center for Digital Forensics was organized in the structure of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Scientific and Methodological Center for Digital Forensics carries out educational, educational, methodological and research activities in the field of digital forensics, methods for investigating cybercrime, collecting data from the Internet, and using special software.

The purpose of the center is to prepare students of the academy for independent professional activities as law enforcement officers with special knowledge for investigating crimes in hot pursuit, conducting investigative and operational-search activities with timely identification, detection and fixation of material evidence using modern digital forensic tools.

Thus, conditions have been created for strengthening methodological and scientific-analytical activities related to improving knowledge in the field of cyberlaw, studying modern technologies for combating cybercrime, and actively responding to threats and challenges in cyberspace.

As part of the center, the only Dark Web training laboratory in our country has been organized, which makes it possible to form the practical skills of law enforcement officers in finding and fixing relevant digital evidence in hidden Internet networks.

To date, the laboratory is equipped with modern computer and network equipment, including the necessary software for working in the hidden segment of the Internet.

The educational process uses modern methods, techniques and tools of digital forensics to identify, identify and analyze digital evidence stored on various electronic devices.

On the basis of the laboratory, training courses and research are conducted to investigate crimes committed using cryptocurrencies and the Darknet network.

In addition, the staff of the center regularly conducts trainings and seminars with the participation of foreign experts on the issues of investigating cybercrime.

At the same time, special attention is paid to expanding the base of teaching aids on combating cybercrime.

In particular, in cooperation with specialists from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a special training manual “Crimes in the field of information technology (cybercrimes): types, qualifications and strategies for conducting investigations” was prepared, and more than a thousand copies of the publication were sent to all law enforcement agencies and their educational institutions to use.



Musaev Gairat Farhadovich



Head of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Digital Forensics.


Conducts dissertation research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: “Procedural Significance of Digital Evidence”.



in 2017 with a commemorative sign "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan";

in 2022 with a commemorative sign "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

Author of the textbook "Crimes in the field of information technology (cybercrimes): types, qualifications and tactics of investigative actions."

In 2023, on behalf of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he participated as an international expert and trainer in training law enforcement officers of the Republic of Tajikistan on the topic; "An Introduction to Cybercrime and Digital Evidence".


Hajiyev Khagani Mokhubbat ogly



Senior Prosecutor of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Digital Forensics.


Conducts dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: "Improving the methodological and organizational and legal aspects of computer and technical expertise."


Awarded with a commemorative badge "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and "30th anniversary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

Has the right to independently conduct forensic examinations in six areas: "Dactyloscopy", "Traceology", "Ballistics", "Portrait", "Computer and technical expertise", "Expertise of mobile devices".

Author of the textbook "Crimes in the field of information technology (cybercrimes): types, qualifications and tactics of investigative actions."


Konovalov Ilya Borisovich



Senior Prosecutor of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Digital Forensics.

Certified specialist in Oracle database administration and non-relational database management systems Kronos.

Specialist in the field of telecommunications, control systems and programming.



in 2017 with a commemorative sign "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

in 2022 with a commemorative sign "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

Together with the specialists of the Center, he participates in the development of the electronic training module "Digital Forensics".

The author of the system for collecting and processing information and, as well as the mechanism for the primary processing of incoming messages with cash or other property, on the basis of which the information system of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor's Office is currently built.