Division of Spirituality, Enlightenment and working with Youth

Division of Spirituality, Enlightenment and working with Youth

The main goals and objectives of the division are:

- organization and coordination of spiritual and educational work and work with youth;

- ensuring the mutual compatibility of the educational and educational process, providing methodological support in this direction to the divisions of the Academy;

- organization of projects and competitions among students and listeners;

- on the basis of national and modern views, develop the spiritual worldview of students and listeners, educate them in the spirit of patriotism, help them become full members of society, leading specialists in their profession, promote the development of spiritual qualities among young people;

- creation of a healthy spiritual environment among students and listeners, deepening their interest in culture, art, sports, reading;

- taking measures for the meaningful organization of free time of students and trainees;

- identification of gifted students and listeners, assistance, including jointly with the divisions of the Academy, in preparation for national and international competitions, as well as submission for state scholarships;

- conveying to students and listeners the essence of the reforms carried out in our country;

- organization of conferences, round tables, meetings and other events dedicated to the popularization of national customs, traditions and values;

- participation in the development of spiritual and educational activities with young people, ensuring their implementation;

- organization of work aimed at improving the medical culture of students and listeners, promoting a healthy lifestyle;

- taking the necessary measures to support students and trainees in need of social protection;

- in order to determine the spiritual and moral level and cultural needs of students and listeners, conducting sociological surveys among them, analyzing and making appropriate proposals;

- cooperation with other organizations and institutions in the field of work with youth, organization and implementation of spiritual and educational work;

- development and submission of proposals based on a systematic analysis to improve activities for working with youth, organization and implementation of spiritual and educational work;

- admission of students, trainees and citizens, consideration of applications from individuals and legal entities;

- promotion of legislation, raising the legal culture in society, participation in the development of draft departmental and regulatory legal acts.


Bakhrombekov Bunyodbek Bakhrom ugli




Head of the Division of Spirituality, Enlightenment and working with Youth of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Conducts dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: "Issues of improving legislation to maintain public prosecution in criminal proceedings."

Email: b.b.bahrombekov@proacademy.uz



in 2017 with a commemorative sign "25 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

in 2022 with a commemorative sign "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan".