Division of e-learning

Division of e-learning

The e-learning division carries out activities related to the introduction of distance and blended learning technologies in the educational process of the Academy.

The main tasks of the division:

organization of continuous professional development by introducing digital technologies and modern information and communication technologies into the educational process, as well as ensuring the integration of the educational process with practice;

creating the possibility of continuous formation of students' knowledge and skills along an individual educational trajectory by self-selection of forms of education and training modules based on established regulatory qualification requirements and professional needs;

creating an opportunity for students to independently choose tutors within the modules in order to improve the quality of e-learning and create competition between tutors;

bringing to the audience the content and essence of innovations in legislation on the job, teaching advanced achievements in prosecutorial and investigative activities, as well as developing skills to eliminate systemic problems and shortcomings.


Division personnel

Ibraymov Askar Yesbosinovich




Head of the Divisionof e-learning, Counselor of Justice, Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor

He defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc) on the topic: "Improving the skills of prosecutors on the basis of remote and mixed format".

Email: a.ibraymov@proacademy.uz

Achievements at work:

In 2022, he was awarded a commemorative badge "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan" and received academic degrees.


Eshqobilov Sirojiddin Abunabiyevich




E-Learning Attorney, Grade 3 Lawyer

Conducts dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD) on the topic: "Improving the legal framework for the activities of public rehabilitation centers in ensuring public order and security".