Public relations division

Public relations division

The Academy carries out its activities on the basis of the principles of openness and transparency, maintaining strong ties with the public and the media.

Public Relations Division of the academy was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP–257 dated November 28, 2022 and carries out work to ensure the openness and transparency of the Academy's activities, expand effective interaction with the public and the media, prepare and broadcast information about the main activities of the Academy.


In order to effectively implement the tasks’ set, the official website of the Academy has been created and is functioning ( as well as social media pages:





You Tube:

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Along with this, affair actively conducts events to ensure openness, such as open days, press tours, briefings, presentations, meetings. These events contribute to maintaining feedback, and also allow the public and journalists to get reliable and complete information about the Academy.


Special attention is paid to the coverage of the admission processes to the Academy, admission exams are broadcast online, information about each stage of admission is covered in detail on the Academy's website, social networks and the media.


The Division coordinates the work of the Academy staff in the field of legal education, as well as independently prepares the content of publications, introduces new headings for the target audience.


In addition, booklets, brochures, and other printed materials are being prepared for printing, as well as the Academy's brand book, fact book, and annual reporting journals on the activities of the academy.




Mansurova Sanobarkhon Atkhamovna



Head of the Public Relations Division, junior adviser of justice.

Conducts dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Sociological Sciences (PhD) on the topic: "The role of civil society institutions in the organization of effective anti-corruption activities."

She was awarded with a commemorative badge "25 years of the Constitution of Uzbekistan", a commemorative badge "30 years of the Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan".