Educational and Methodological Department

Educational and Methodological Department

The purpose of management is to organize educational processes for undergraduate, graduate, advanced training and retraining courses at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to coordinate the educational and methodological activities of faculties and departments.

The main tasks of the Department are:

Ensuring the strict implementation of legislative acts for the coordination of the educational and methodological activities of faculties, departments, departments and centers, the organization of the educational and methodological process, work plans and the decision of the Board of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the work plans of the Academy and the decision of the Academy Council, orders, orders and instructions of the Prosecutor General and the head of the Academy;

organizing the development of curricula, modules, the ratio of hours and credits allocated to them, ensuring their logical sequence, coordinating the development of curricula and educational and methodological complexes;

coordination of the educational activities of the branches of the Academy, the inclusion of educational activities in the annual personal work plan of professors and teaching staff of the department, as well as determining the volume of their hours;

generalizing the needs for hourly pay for teachers, coordinating and monitoring their activities, maintaining and submitting appropriate reports based on an analysis of the teaching load; 

participation in checking the activities of departments (relevant departments and centers) in connection with the study of specific issues related to the educational process and the state of educational and methodological work;

analyze and evaluate the pedagogical activities of professors and teachers, the quality and effectiveness of teaching, as well as organize events related to improving their professional and pedagogical skills;

making proposals for taking appropriate measures to the teaching staff with a low level of effectiveness of pedagogical activity and low quality of teaching;

coordination of monitoring and evaluation of knowledge of students and trainees;

keep records of the number of student and trainee credits for each module, semester, section of the course as a whole;

transfer of students from one course to another, expulsion, rehabilitation of students with academic debts in the relevant modules, coordination of the issues of awarding scholarships to them, implementation of these organizational and legal measures;

to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the Academy’s employees in terms of the quality of the educational and methodological process and other relevant indicators;

development and implementation of proposals for cooperation with leading domestic and foreign educational institutions, analytical and research centers;

participate in improving the reputation of the Academy, ensure the fulfillment of tasks related to improving its positions in national and international rankings;

Regularly informing the leadership of the Academy about the work done.

Other duties may be assigned to the Office in accordance with legislative acts.


Odinayev Adkham Sadulloyevich



Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Counselor of Justice, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Legal Sciences, Associate Professor


He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Regulation of the application of a penalty in the field of obligations law”, (PhD);

received the academic title of “Associate Professor” in the specialty “International Private Law”, “Family Law”, “Business Law”, “Civil Law”;

by order of the Prosecutor General No. 1233 dated August 27, 2021, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor;

was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

was awarded with a commemorative badge “Uzbekiston prokuraturasiga 30 yil”;

in 2021, he was awarded the diploma of the Prosecutor General as the winner in the nomination “The most effective creator” (“Eng samarali izhodkor”) in the competition “The role and importance of the state language in the legal sphere”;

received an international certificate in the module “Approach to adult learning” under the program “Curriculum globALE” of the branch of the German Association of Public Universities (DVV International);

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the friendship society “Uzbekistan-France” announced a letter of thanks;

he has published more than 120 scientific and popular science articles. Author of 4 monographs, 3 manuals, more than 15 educational literature and brochures.


Nuridinov Bakhodirdzhan Sabirovich



Senior Prosecutor of the Educational and Methodological Department, Counselor of Justice, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.


In 2002 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Scientific and pedagogical foundations for the use of active teaching methods in the professional development of teachers of vocational education”, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor;

in 2011 he was awarded the badge “Excellent worker of secondary special, vocational education”;

in 2019, a letter of thanks was announced from the Academy of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

in 2020 he was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

in 2021 he was awarded a commemorative badge “Uzbekiston prokuraturasiga 30 yil”;

in 2021 he received the academic title of “Associate Professor” in the specialty “Theory and Methods of Vocational Education”;

in 2023 he received an international certificate in the module “Planning, organization and evaluation in adult education” under the program “Curriculum globALE” of the branch of the German Association of Public Universities (DVV International);

he published more than 100 scientific and popular science articles;

author of 1 monograph, 3 manuals, more than 10 educational literatures.


Dovletov Shokhrat Allabergenovich



Senior Prosecutor of the Educational and Methodological Department, Counselor of Justice.


Awarded with a commemorative badge “Uzbekiston Respublikasi mustaqilligiga 20 yil”;

in 2021 he was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

was awarded a commemorative badge “Uzbekiston Konstitutsiyasiga 30 yil”;

was awarded a commemorative badge “Uzbekiston prokuraturasiga 30 yil”.

Created elective courses for employees of the prosecutor’s office on the topics “Issues of mandatory execution of court documents and documents of other bodies” and “General principles for the execution of court documents”.

He published 1 workshop, 1 study guide, and more than 10 scientific and popular science articles.

Conducts scientific research on the topic “Improving prosecutorial control over the implementation of legislation in the execution of judicial acts and documents of other bodies”.


Matchanov Sherzod Kamilovich



Prosecutor of the Educational and Methodological Department, Junior Counselor of Justice.


At the Academy of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he completed retraining courses for senior staff;

in 2020 he was awarded with a commemorative sign “Mehr-sakhovat”;

published more than 20 scientific and popular science articles;

author of scientific and practical manuals “Legal basis and procedure for conducting tax audits of business entities” and “Issues of the application of financial sanctions as a measure of legal influence for committing tax offenses”.


Eshmurodov Elbek



Prosecutor of the Educational and Methodological Department, Master of Laws, Second Class Lawyer. 


In 2022, he was awarded a commemorative badge “Uzbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasining 30 yilligi”.

conducts scientific research on the topic: “Improving and increasing the effectiveness of juvenile delinquency prevention” in connection with the defense of a PhD thesis in legal sciences;

received a certificate from the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers on knowledge of a foreign language;

He published 20 scientific and popular science articles.