In the defense of the doctoral dissertation of Anora Zapparovna Juraeva in the field of legal sciences

In the defense of the doctoral dissertation of Anora Zapparovna Juraeva in the field of legal sciences

Anora Zapparovna Juraeva, "12.00.07 - Judicial Power. Prosecutorial Supervision. Organization of Law Enforcement Activities." The defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Law (Ph.D.) in the specialty of "Advocacy" on the topic "Prosecutorial control over the implementation of legislation on the prevention of juvenile Delinquency" for the degree of Doctor of Legal Sciences in the Philosophy of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.) DSc.31 / 31.01.2020.Yu.67.01 will take place on January 20, 2023, at 10:00 during the meeting of the Scientific Council at the General Prosecutors Academy.

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