The science

The science

The science

A new collection of materials of the international conference has been…

calendar05 September 2024 eye300

The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan has published a collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Legal education and science in…

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The science

A traditional "Science Hour" was held at the Academy

calendar30 August 2024 eye490

On August 30th of this year, within the framework of the "Science Hour" for independent researchers, doctoral students, and scholars, the presentation of the dissertation work by the Academy's doctora…

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The science

The Academy has published a new collection of scientific articles

calendar23 August 2024 eye828

The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan has published a collection of materials from the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference titled: "For the Sake of a New Life, For the S…

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The science

A republican scientific-practical conference was organized at the  Law…

calendar26 April 2024 eye1049

The General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Higher School of Judges under the Supreme Counc…

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The science

On the defense of the dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Ph…

calendar17 April 2024 eye1106

On April 23, 2024 at 14:30 at the meeting of the Scientific Council DSc. 31/31.12. 2020.Yu.67.01 of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defense of the dissertation work for …

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The science

The next dissertation defense took place

calendar03 April 2024 eye1327

During the regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal…

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The science

The defense of the thesis took place

calendar01 April 2024 eye917

During the regular meeting of the Scientific Council of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in legal…

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The science

A scientific and practical round table was held on the problems of cor…

calendar15 March 2024 eye1100

On March 14 of this year, the Republican Scientific and Practical round table “Corruption and bureaucracy in science and scientific activity: the problem and its solutions” was organized at the Law En…

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The science

The next qualification exam for basic doctoral students and independen…

calendar29 February 2024 eye1173

The Law Enforcement Academy conducted a qualification exam in the specialty and a foreign language for basic doctoral students and independent applicants of the Academy.

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The science

The selection process for independent researchers has been completed

calendar27 February 2024 eye859

Interviews were conducted with applicants for admission to independent research for the first stage of the current year at  the  Law Enforcement Academy of Republic of Uzbekistan.

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