The defense of the dissertation of Gafurov Farkhod Rashidovich, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (Ph.D.) in legal sciences

The defense of the dissertation of Gafurov Farkhod Rashidovich, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (Ph.D.) in legal sciences

"12.00.09 - Criminal Procedure" Gafurov Farkhod Rashidovich. Defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences (Ph.D.) in legal sciences on the topic "Improving the organizational and legal foundations of operational and investigative activities in the fight against illegal export of currency values" in the field of criminology, investigative law, and judicial expertise will take place at the meeting of the Academic Council with the number DSc.31/31.01.2020. Yu.67.01 at the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on February 8, 2023, at 10:00.

Address: 100047, Tashkent, Shahrisabz Street, 42.

Tel/fax: (99871) 202-04-96
