The dissertation defense took place

The dissertation defense took place

At the meeting of the Academic Council of the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office, doctoral student of the Academy, A. Djuraeva “12.00.07 - Judicial power. Prosecutorial supervision. Organization of law enforcement activities, presented her dissertation on the topic "Prosecutorial Control over the Enforcement of Laws on the Prevention of Juvenile Offenses," prepared in the specialty of Advocacy”.

Within the framework of this dissertation, prepared for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Legal Sciences, issues of improving prosecutorial control over the enforcement of laws on the prevention of juvenile offenses were studied in the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries. Suggestions and recommendations aimed at solving problems in their legal regulation were developed.

Based on the discussions, this scientific work was unanimously positively evaluated by the members of the Academic Council. The dissertation by A. Djuraeva was recognized as completed, and a decision was made to submit it for consideration by the Higher Attestation Commission for the award of the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Philosophical (Ph.D.) degree in the field of legal sciences.

The staff of the Academy congratulates A. Djuraeva on the successful defense of her dissertation and wishes her great success in her further scientific and professional activities.