The dissertation defense took place

The dissertation defense took place

At the regular meeting of the Academic Council at the General Prosecutor's Academy, independent research associate O.S. Sultanov "12.00.07 - Judicial power. Prosecutorial supervision. Organization of law enforcement activities. the defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in jurisprudence was held on the topic "Improving the preventive activities of the preliminary investigation agencies" in the specialty "Advocacy".

The dissertation focused on studying the essence and social necessity of preventive activities of preliminary investigation agencies, international standards for carrying out preventive activities, forms and methods of preventive activities of preliminary investigation agencies, as well as procedural and forensic aspects.

Based on the advanced experience of foreign countries, the dissertation presented proposals for the improvement of preliminary investigation agencies and national legislation.

As a result of the defense, the researcher was recognized by the Council members as worthy of obtaining the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the field of legal sciences.

The staff of the Academy congratulates Oybek Sultanov on the successful defense of his dissertation and wishes him great success in his future scientific and professional endeavors!