The first meeting of the Academy Council took place

The first meeting of the Academy Council took place

On January 31, 2022, the first meeting of the Council of the Law Enforcement Academy was held.

During the meeting in the second half of 2022, issues related to the creation of a modern system for training personnel, retraining, and enhancing their qualifications, as well as scientific-methodological and psychological support of activities were discussed. The Academy's activities in other areas were analyzed and future tasks were identified.

The agenda of the meeting also included discussions on the developed methodologies for assessing the effectiveness of employees' work in the Academy, the consideration and approval of dissertation topics for master's students of the Academy, and matters concerning students studying at Lund University in Sweden in the second semester of the academic year.

The tasks defined in the Academy's work plan for the first half of 2023 were examined, emphasizing the importance of timely, quality, and complete execution of activities, with the leaders of respective branches taking personal responsibility for it.

Furthermore, the "Roadmap" for the effective organization of the activities of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on November 28, 2022, titled "Introduction of a qualitatively new system for training qualified personnel in the field of criminal investigation" No. PF-257 discussed issues related to the implementation of the set tasks.

Decisions were made on all agenda items of the meeting.