Dissertation Defense took place

Dissertation Defense took place

At the meeting of the Academic Council at the General Prosecutor's Academy, a doctoral student of the Academy D.Sh.Ibragimov “12.00.07 – Judicial power. Prosecutor supervision. Organization of activities of law enforcement agencies. The dissertation was defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Law on the topic “Organization of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of legislation on minors and improvement of its legal foundations”.

Within the framework of this research, issues of improving the mechanism for organizing prosecutorial control over the implementation of legislation on minors, digitalization of prosecutorial control, as well as strengthening the interaction between the prosecutor's office and competent government agencies to ensure legality in the field were studied.

The dissertation proposes amendments to the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Code of Administrative Responsibility, the Laws "On the Rights of the Child," "On the Prosecutor's Office," and other normative legal documents based on the advanced experience of foreign countries.

Based on the results of the dissertation defense, the researcher was recognized by the Council members as worthy of receiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the field of Juridical Sciences.

The collective of the Academy congratulates Derbek Ibragimov on the successful defense of the dissertation and wishes him great success in his future scientific and professional career!