A training session was organized with the participation of international experts for the students of the Academy's Master's program

A training session was organized with the participation of international experts for the students of the Academy's Master's program

Within the framework of the Academy's Master's program on "Fighting Corruption," regular educational activities are being carried out with the participation of international and foreign experts in the field of anti-corruption to enhance the student's knowledge and skills in combating corruption.

The upcoming training session titled "Declaration - as a Tool to Combat Corruption" was conducted by Yaroslav Strelchenok, an expert from the European Union and former head of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) of Latvia during 2011-2016.

During the interactive session, the students had the opportunity to learn from the experiences of Latvia in the area of declaring officials' income, international standards in this field, as well as the successful outcomes and perspectives of the anti-corruption system in Latvia.

The engagement in these activities has provided students with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and contribute to the fight against corruption in Uzbekistan.