Discussion on the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights"

Discussion on the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights"

A discussion on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights" took place at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 24, 2023. The discussion was held as part of "Human Rights Week" by the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on approving the national educational program on human rights in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It is well known that artificial intelligence technologies provide wide opportunities for improving the quality of life and government activities. The power, scope, and speed of artificial intelligence systems can be utilized in various fields, including healthcare, transportation, education, and enhancing legal effectiveness.

However, it is also possible for artificial intelligence technologies to hurt human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Artificial intelligence is a broad range of complex technologies designed and developed by humans to achieve predefined goals.

The purpose of the discussion was to address the legal issues related to the use of artificial intelligence systems within the framework of human rights and to highlight their solutions. The discussion covered topics such as the influence of artificial intelligence systems on human rights, the consequences of using artificial intelligence, regulation of artificial intelligence in national and European legislation, and its improvement.

During the event, participants had the opportunity to ask questions of interest and receive professional answers from international expert Professor Alexey Gudkov of Westminster University.