A skills development course is being conducted to fight economic crimes

A skills development course is being conducted to fight economic crimes

In collaboration with the Institute for the Protection of Rights, the "Regional Cooperation" program, in partnership with the Department for Combating Economic Crimes and Legalization of Illicit Income within law enforcement agencies, is implementing a project to prepare and train personnel in combating terrorism financing and legalizing illicit income.

As part of this project, a skills development course on "Financial Investigations on Illicit Income" has been organized for prosecutors from district (city) prosecutor's offices, as well as investigators from the Department for Combating Economic Crimes.

The training course is being conducted in a blended learning format, featuring both distance learning sessions and face-to-face training at the Academy. The curriculum covers international and national systems for combating financial crimes, methods and types of legalizing illicit income, organizing financial investigations, and identifying cryptocurrency-related offenses.

The training sessions are conducted by professors and instructors from the Academy, alongside Richard Joseph Joyce, an international expert in combating the legalization of illicit income and terrorism financing.