A training course on "Human Rights Week" was conducted

A training course on "Human Rights Week" was conducted

By the decree of our President on February 7, 2023, approved by the National Education System of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of human rights, the National Center for Human Rights in collaboration with the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs organized a training course on the topic "Combating Violence: International Practice and National Experience" within the framework of the "Human Rights Week".

The course was attended by representatives from the Law Enforcement Academy, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Institute for Advanced Studies, as well as officials from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, and the city of Tashkent.

During the course, the Deputy Head of the Law Enforcement Academy in the Fergana region, M. Mamasiddikov, delivered a lecture on the "Development of Legislation about Combating Violence and Preventing Its Occurrence".

Participants had the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information about recent developments in legislation related to combating violence.