The formation of the Consortium of Uzbekistan Human Rights Organizations

The formation of the Consortium of Uzbekistan Human Rights Organizations

The formation of the working group on human rights within the Consortium of Uzbekistan Human Rights Organizations, consisting of representatives from the Law Enforcement Academy, the National Center for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Law University, and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, took place.

It was noted during the meeting that participants were aware of the establishment of the Master's program in "International Law related to Human Rights" at the Law Enforcement Academy and the organization of the Department of "International Law and the Protection of Human Rights" within the Academy's structure.

The parties discussed the academic, practical, and informational components of the Consortium's activities, as well as the results achieved in organizing inter-agency and international cooperation.

It was mentioned that the implementation of the Consortium's work plan for 2023, aimed at ensuring the implementation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan's decree "On approving the national education program on Human Rights in the Republic of Uzbekistan," as well as the work plan for 2023 and the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was underway.

 As a result of the event, the participants expressed their commitment to complete the Master's program in "International Law related to Human Rights," enhance the capabilities of the Consortium in implementing the national education program on Human Rights at all levels, expand cooperation with international and regional human rights institutions, and prepare for the transition to a new stage in the development of the institutional framework in the field of education on human rights.