A Study of the Japanese Experience in Crime Prevention

A Study of the Japanese Experience in Crime Prevention

A visit of representatives of the Academy to Japan was organized to expand international cooperation and strengthen the research potential of the Law Enforcement Academy.

The event was organized within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation signed in 2019, in response to the visit of the Japanese delegation to the Academy in September 2022, at the invitation of the Research and Education Institute of the Ministry of Justice of Japan (hereinafter - the Institute).

From the Japanese side, the Institute's management and responsible employees, as well as representatives of Takushoku University, the Department of Education of the Development Institute of the Ministry of Justice of Japan, the Kyoto Prefecture, and the Investigation Planning Department of the Police Headquarters took part in the events.

During the visit, a meeting was organized with the director of the Institute, Toshinobu Uetomi. According to the program, the head of the group, E. Kolenko, gave a speech, in which information was presented about the economic and judicial reforms implemented in our country. Also, a presentation was made to the Japanese side about the structure, tasks, and main directions of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Also, there was a dialogue about the reforms in the field of justice, which are being implemented in Uzbekistan and Japan, the parties gave information about the national institutional foundations of fighting crime and preventing crimes.

As part of the visit, a meeting was organized with the head of the Kyoto Police, Hiroki Tsutsui, in which the host provided information on the main activities and technical equipment of the police. In addition, the delegation of Uzbekistan got acquainted with the work of the lower level of the police station (Koban) of one of the districts of Kyoto. The main activity of the precinct is aimed at taking prompt measures for crimes committed in this area and taking timely measures to identify and arrest persons who committed crimes.

In addition, the participants of the delegations met with Mr. E. Koji, representative of the Development and Research Institute of the Development Department of the Ministry of Justice of Japan. He explained in detail the research methodology used to collect statistical data on the crime situation in Japan and presented the crime statistics collection White Paper, which is published annually by the department. This collection allows for a comprehensive analysis of the criminogenic situation in terms of socio-economic, demographic, and other indicators.

The parties also exchanged experiences on the future of criminal justice through the use of artificial intelligence, the technical methodology of crime prevention in the law enforcement system, the crime prevention system, the issues of assessing the crime situation based on official statistics and real data, and other topics.