The 70th anniversary of the birth of Rakhimov Fakhri Haydarovich will be celebrated.

The 70th anniversary of the birth of Rakhimov Fakhri Haydarovich will be celebrated.

On March 25, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., a solemn event will be held in the meeting hall of the 2nd building of the General Prosecutor's Office on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of F.Kh. Rakhimov, professor of the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, d.l.s., 3rd level State Justice Advisor is planned to be held.

The leadership of the General Prosecutor's Office and the team of the Academy congratulate F.K. Rakhimov on his 70th birthday and wish him good health, long life, high spirits, family well-being, and great success in his work!