A master class was held on the shortcomings encountered in dissertation work and their elimination

A master class was held on the shortcomings encountered in dissertation work and their elimination

A master class was held at the Academy of Law Enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of the traditional science hour on the topic "Deficiencies encountered in dissertation works: problems and their solutions".

As part of the science hour, the deputy head of the Academy, Ph.D., Professor M. Mamasiddikov, gave an analytical lecture on the current problematic issues faced by researchers when writing a dissertation.

In the report, as the shortcomings encountered in the dissertation work in recent times, insufficient justification of the relevance and necessity of the topic, neglecting the research tasks by the dissertators, which causes inconsistency between the tasks of the research and the dissertation plan, the scientific innovations put forward in the dissertation, the cases indicated as methods of research are not used in the work, the very shallow level of unreliability and validity of dissertation conclusions, scientific news, inconsistencies in Russian and Uzbek translations of the dissertation abstract, and non-compliance with the requirements of the Regulations in the formation of the literature used in the work were touched upon.

The speaker analyzed the shortcomings of dissertations on legal sciences through concrete examples and gave suggestions and recommendations regarding some problems that arise in front of the dissertation students and their solutions.

The event was attended not only by the Academy, but also by doctoral students and independent researchers of the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights, the Higher School of Judges under the Supreme Council of Judges of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the MIA Academy and the Tashkent State Law University, and received answers to their questions regarding their scientific research.