A master class was held on the topic of methodological guidelines for evaluating the implementation of scientific results of these into practice

A master class was held on the topic of methodological guidelines for evaluating the implementation of scientific results of these into practice

A master class on the topic "Methodological guidelines for evaluating the implementation of scientific results of dissertations in practice" was held at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the framework of the traditional science hour.

As part of the science hour, the chairman of the High Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan, professor A.T. Yusupov, gave an analytical report on the evaluation of the practical implementation of the scientific results of the dissertations. The lecture was followed by a question-and-answer session, and researchers participating online and offline received the necessary answers to more than 50 questions that interested them and were relevant to them.

In particular, the following are currently relevant: the procedure for formalizing a doctoral dissertation and dissertation abstract; the procedure for publishing an article abroad; the procedure for obtaining a reference on the scientific innovation and implementation of the dissertation; the procedure for checking the dissertation work in the anti-plagiarism program and citing the research work; Several researchers on a topic have received sufficient answers from an expert on whether or not they can conduct a research study.

In addition to the Academy, more than 200 doctoral students and independent researchers of the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights, the Higher School of Judges under the Supreme Council of Judges of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Public Security University, the Ministry of Internal Affairs Academy, the Tashkent State Law University and the Customs Institute participated in the event online and offline, received answers to their questions regarding their scientific research.