The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces a selection for the position of a specialist in the field of project management (temporary work based on a contract)

The Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan announces a selection for the position of a specialist in the field of project management (temporary work based on a contract)

About the Academy: Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 28, 2022 "On the introduction of a qualitatively new system of training qualified personnel in the field of criminal investigation" No. PF-257, the Academy of Law Enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established based on the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office.

The following are the main directions of the Academy's activities:

in-depth targeted basic training of specialists in the field of crime investigation, introducing an effective system of developing high moral, psychological, analytical, and professional qualities combined with the culture of unconditional observance of human rights and freedoms in learners;

formation and development of special professional skills, training, retraining, and upgrading of personnel in other areas of investigative and law enforcement activities based on programs aimed at conveying the essence of reforms in the judicial and legal sphere;

establishment of a system of training and retraining of employees of state bodies and other organizations based on special training programs in the fields of combating corruption and money laundering;

implementation of interactive teaching methods in the educational process aimed at developing the skills of independent work in criminal cases based on the effective determination of the methodology and tactics of crime investigation; organization of an educational process aimed at ensuring the inextricable connection of theoretical training with the practice of law enforcement based on modern forms of education, pedagogical and information technologies, including distance education;

organization of a comprehensive system of training, retraining, and professional development aimed at forming and strengthening knowledge and skills, including systematic analysis and critical thinking, high feelings of justice and responsibility for ensuring legality, among employees of prosecutor's offices;

training of highly qualified scientific-pedagogical personnel, carrying out comprehensive scientific research on the most urgent issues of law enforcement activities on a systematic basis, including with the involvement of national and international grants;

analysis and diagnosis of the causes and conditions of crimes, including pre-investigation inspection documents and criminal cases based on their specific types, as well as methodical and consultative provision of crime prevention and crime-fighting activities;

conducting joint scientific research in the field of jurisprudence, carrying out continuous international cooperation on the exchange of advanced pedagogical experience, and attracting qualified specialists of leading higher education and research organizations of foreign countries to the educational process.

Currently, there is a need to attract a specialist in the field of project management to the activities of the Academy temporarily. If the documents submitted by the expert are approved, a bilateral civil legal contract will be signed between him and the Academy.

Tasks of the specialist:

A specialist in the field of project management should perform the following tasks:

To provide the following services (hereinafter referred to as "services") by the work calendar plan attached to the contract on working with projects in the academy on the assignment of the Academy's management;

- Development of relevant proposals for existing new projects with the participation of the center, department, department, department, and faculties (hereinafter - structural structures) of the Academy;

- Submission of new projects planned to be developed at the Academy and proposals for them to the Academy's management for discussion and approval with the Academy's constituent structures;

– development of a one-day training program on project passport development (SMART/SWOT analysis/goal) and conducting it for Academy employees;

- Writing project passports without basic plans for interested structural structures of the Academy;

- Conducting short-term training for Academy employees on the hierarchical structure of project implementation (ISR) and calendar planning;

- Development of a hierarchical structure and calendar plans for the implementation of work for the interested constituent structures of the Academy (conducting consultations);

- Presentation of projects developed by the structural structures of the Academy.

Candidate Requirements:

Relevant document (certificate) in the field of project management;

At least two years of work experience in the field of project management;

Good knowledge of Uzbek, English, and Russian languages.

Duration of work:

This work period is set for 2 (two) months, and in the future, if necessary, a citizen can be employed at the Academy based on an employment contract.

Payment amount:

The amount of payment for the work performed is determined by the agreement of the parties and is paid to the applicant according to the result of the work performed.

Requirements: initiative, teamwork, timely completion of assigned tasks,

Working hours: Working hours are 40 hours, 5 days a week.

The applicant must personally apply to the Personnel Department of the Academy with a citizen's passport or ID card and submit relevant documents (identity document, lens, diploma of higher education and its annex, copy of work record, STIR certificate. After studying the submitted documents, as necessary an interview will be held with the applicant as part of the commission.

The deadline for submitting documents is 21.04.2023.