The defense of the Ph.D. dissertation by Takhirjon Bahodirovich Safarov on the topic of "Legal Responsibility of Judges in the Process of Implementing Judicial Reforms and Modernization Trends"

The defense of the Ph.D. dissertation by Takhirjon Bahodirovich Safarov on the topic of "Legal Responsibility of Judges in the Process of Implementing Judicial Reforms and Modernization Trends"

The dissertation on the legal responsibility of judges in the process of implementing judicial reforms, titled "Current situation and trends" by Safarov Takhirjon Bahodirovich, has been defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the field of "12.00.07 - Judicial Administration. Prosecutor's Oversight. Organization of Law Enforcement Activities. Advocacy". The defense of the dissertation took place on April 29, 2023, at 10:00 am, in the presence of the Scientific Council under the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, DSc.31/31.12.2020.Yu.67.01.


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