A course for the professional retraining of personnel currently working in leadership positions to qualify for higher leadership positions has started at the Law Enforcement Academy

A course for the professional retraining of personnel currently working in leadership positions to qualify for higher leadership positions has started at the Law Enforcement Academy

By the procedure for conducting the selection process for admission to the course for the professional retraining of personnel currently working in leadership positions in the prosecutor's offices, a total of 30 employees from the prosecutor's offices were selected to participate in the course for the retraining of leadership personnel.

The program retraining course is aimed at improving the organization and management foundations, introducing innovative methods and approaches, enhancing professional knowledge and skills, deepening understanding of prosecutorial activities and legal creativity, strengthening the leadership qualities of participants, developing their managerial and professional competencies, as well as enhancing their analytical and critical thinking abilities.

This retraining course has been designed based on the latest developments in terms of content and scientific-methodological aspects, utilizing modern pedagogical and information technologies, as well as incorporating international innovative experiences.

Furthermore, experienced specialists from the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, the Center for Development Strategy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Center for the Development of the Electronic Government System, as well as professionals from other related fields, have been involved in the educational process.