A skills enhancement course is being conducted for the staff of the Department for Combating Traders and Economic Crimes at the Prosecutor's Office

A skills enhancement course is being conducted for the staff of the Department for Combating Traders and Economic Crimes at the Prosecutor's Office

At the Law Enforcement Academy, a skills enhancement course on "Legalization of Illegally Obtained Income and Financial Transactions about Counteracting Terrorism" is being held for the rapid staff of the district (city) prosecutor's offices and the district (city) divisions of the Department for Combating Traders and Economic Crimes.

The skills enhancement course is organized in a blended learning format, combining distance learning and in-person training at the Academy during the day.

The curriculum of the course covers international and national systems for countering illegal income and financing terrorism, organizing measures to combat these crimes, identifying hidden income, analyzing financial documents, methods and mechanisms of legalizing illegally obtained income, establishing administrative cooperation between law enforcement agencies, identifying and confiscating illicit income, and effectively utilizing the capabilities of the Department for Combating Traders and Economic Crimes in conducting financial investigations.

The training sessions are conducted by international expert Richard Joyce and the Academy's faculty members, along with experienced specialists from the Department.