A scientific-practical conference on the "Current Issues of the Application of Legal Science and Practice" was held at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

A scientific-practical conference on the "Current Issues of the Application of Legal Science and Practice" was held at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan

This traditional scientific-practical conference was attended by professors and teachers from the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Higher School of Judges under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Center for Human Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the University of Public Security of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Law University, and other higher education institutions, as well as doctoral students, independent researchers, and master's students.

The opening speech of the conference was delivered by the Deputy Director of the Academy, Doctor in legal science, Professor M. Mamasiddikov. Experienced professors and young scholars participated as presenters, presenting their research topics.

In particular, the presenters discussed issues related to ensuring the principle of adversarial proceedings in criminal cases, the implementation of human rights in promoting political stability in society, addressing legal issues in protecting the rights and freedoms of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Uzbekistan, cooperation in organizing prosecutorial supervision based on legislation aimed at combating corruption and utilizing artificial intelligence in the context of globalization.

During the conference, participants exchanged views on the achievements in the field of public-legal, civil-legal, criminal-legal, and international-legal sciences, as well as the legal aspects of intellectual property commercialization under the conditions of a knowledge-based economy, and discussed measures to organize admission to schools and ensure educational activities by addressing corruption factors.

The event concluded with conclusions and recommendations on the further development of legal science.