The dissertation defense has taken place

The dissertation defense has taken place

During the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Law Enforcement Academy, in the presence of the Independent Reviewer of the Academy, T.B. Safarov, the dissertation "Legal Liability of Judges in Ensuring Fair Trials: Current Trends and Developments" on the specialty "12.00.07 - Judiciary. Prosecutor's supervision. Organization of the activities of law enforcement agencies. Advocacy" has successfully defended, earning the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Law.

In this research, international standards, experiences of foreign countries, national legal principles related to enhancing the legal liability of judges in ensuring fair trials, practical approaches in legal practice, and existing scientific theories and studies in the field of law have been studied.

The dissertation presents proposals for improving national legislation related to enhancing the legal liability of judges, based on international standards and the experiences of foreign countries.

Based on the results of the dissertation defense, the members of the Council deemed it worthy for T.B. Safarov to be awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Law.

The Academy community congratulates T.B. Safarov on the successful defense of the dissertation and wishes him great achievements in his future scientific and professional activities!