Today, an open day was held at the Academy for the Prosecution Authorities

Today, an open day was held at the Academy for the Prosecution Authorities

Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Establishing a New System for the Preparation of Competent Personnel in the Field of Combating Crimes" dated November 28, 2022, the Academy of Law Enforcement under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established to ensure the professional training of personnel in the field of combating crimes. The Academy has introduced a comprehensive education system based on practical training.

Starting from the academic year 2023/2024, the Academy has introduced new programs for bachelor's degrees in "Operational Activities" and other directions in the field of jurisprudence.

Currently, the Academy is in the process of accepting applications for admission to the bachelor's program. The admission process is organized based on principles of transparency and fairness.

Many questions have been received at the Academy's Call Center regarding document submission for bachelor's degrees. This indicates the high interest among graduating students in joining the Academy.

In this regard, an open day was held at the Academy on May 5, 2023. The event was attended by students from schools in Tashkent city, the Military-Academic Lyceum under the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the legal lyceum under the Ministry of Justice, as well as representatives of the Bar Association.

The purpose of the excursion to the Academy was to familiarize the guests with the training and development opportunities offered in the fields of law enforcement and prosecution, as well as to showcase the facilities and resources available at the Academy.

During the event, participants had the opportunity to participate in interactive activities, including practical simulations of investigative and forensic tactics, solving crime-related puzzles, and taking part in an engaging quest competition. Winners of the competition were awarded diplomas and prizes.

Additionally, the guests were able to visit the forensic laboratory, an electronic shooting range, and other specialized facilities used for practical training.

The Academy's first Cyber Laboratory DarkWeb and the utilization of polygraph (lie detector) technologies in investigative processes generated significant interest among the young participants.

Graduating students from the final year had the chance to receive detailed information regarding the admission process, curriculum structure, and requirements for entering the bachelor's program in "Operational Activities" and "Prosecutor's Activities."

Overall, the open day at the Academy was a successful event, following the established tradition of organizing such informative events.