5 days left until the completion of admissions to the bachelor's program for the Academy

5 days left until the completion of admissions to the bachelor's program for the Academy

There are 5 days left until the completion of admissions to the bachelor's program at the Law Enforcement Academy in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It is noted that the completion of admissions to the bachelor's program in the field of "Commercial Activities" for the academic year 2023/2024 at the Law Enforcement Academy will be in 5 days.

The bachelor's program at the Academy is conducted in Uzbek and Russian languages and is organized based on state grants and payment contracts. Graduates of the bachelor's program, who have completed their studies on state grants, are required to work for at least three years in authorized state bodies.

When enrolling in the Academy, applicants' scores in other higher education institutions of the republic are not considered, as stated in the legal documents.

Upon admission to the Academy for the bachelor's program in the field of "Commercial Activities," graduates are assigned to positions designated for officers or given higher ranks in the competent state bodies.

Applicants were registered on the special electronic platform of the Agency for Assessment of Education, Science, and Innovation under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education until May 15 of the current year (https://my.uzbmb.uz/).

For news related to the entrance exams for the bachelor's program at the Law Enforcement Academy, please visit the official website of the Academy (www.proacademy.uz), official pages on social networks: www.facebook.com/ProsecutorAcademy www.instagram.com/proacademyuz/ (https://t.me/ProsecutorAcademy), and also through mass media channels.

You can also obtain information regarding admission to the bachelor's program by contacting the phone number +998(71)202-04-96.