"The theory and practical issues of military psychology" were discussed at the international scientific conference

"The theory and practical issues of military psychology" were discussed at the international scientific conference

The employees of the Academy of the Protection of Rights participated in the international scientific conference on the topic "The theory and practical issues of military psychology," which took place at the Academy of the Armed Forces.

The conference was attended by representatives of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, V.Ya. Kikot Moscow University, Russia's Ministry of Defense University, the academic staff of the Academy of the Armed Forces, professors, and scholars in the field of psychology.

The event was opened by the head of the Academy of the Armed Forces, B. Shayakubov, who spoke about the place of psychology in the system of other disciplines, the historical development of the formation of psychologists' main directions and activities, the formation of military psychology, and their professional competence in Uzbekistan and abroad.

Afterward, presentations from Uzbek and international scholars were given. I. Mahmudov, an associate professor from the Department of Professional Psychology and Management Activities at the Academy of the Protection of Rights, participated in the conference with his presentation on "Providing psychological support to military personnel," discussing the main tasks of psychological activities in military units.

Later, the department's senior lecturer, J.Karimov, presented his research in the section "Psychological counseling as a characteristic feature of professional activities" and discussed issues related to improving psychological support and approaches. At the end of the conference, participants were awarded certificates of participation, including Associate Professor I. Mahmudov.