Cooperation in the fight against corruption is reaching a new level

Cooperation in the fight against corruption is reaching a new level

DP-6013 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 29, 2020 "On additional measures to improve the anti-corruption system in the Republic of Uzbekistan" and dated November 28, 2022 "On the introduction of a qualitatively new system of training qualified personnel in the field of a criminal investigation" The Law Enforcement Academy and the Anti-Corruption Agency were assigned several anti-corruption tasks by Decree No. DP-257.

To increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the common goals and tasks defined in the Law "On Combating Corruption", presidential documents, state programs in the field of combating corruption, and other documents, on June 6 of this year, the ceremony of signing a memorandum of cooperation between the Academy of Law Enforcement and the Agency for Combating Corruption took place.

The main goal of the memorandum is to conduct scientific and practical research in cooperation in the field of prevention and fight against corruption, to carry out a systematic analysis of the corruption situation, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions of the commission of offenses in this field, to improve the legal consciousness and legal culture of the population and civil servants. promotion, formation of an intolerant attitude towards corruption in society, introduction of anti-corruption education and training system, and consolidation of efforts to improve Uzbekistan's performance in international rankings.

Based on the memorandum of cooperation, the Academy and the Agency develop the activities of incorporating the provisions of the UN Convention against Corruption, the recommendations of the Istanbul Action Plan of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development against Corruption into the national legislation, and also implements measures aimed at achieving positive results of Uzbekistan in the context of this Convention and monitoring the recommendations of the IHTT.

In a solemn ceremony, the parties signed and approved the plan of measures for 2023 to achieve the goals and objectives set in the Memorandum.