A practical seminar aimed at increasing the potential of the academic staff of the Academy

A practical seminar aimed at increasing the potential of the academic staff of the Academy

A practical seminar on "Quantitative research methods: analysis of survey results" was organized in the framework of the traditional science hour at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in cooperation with Lund University (Sweden).

Berdimurod Ovezmuradov, doctor of political science and planning, lecturer at the University of Latvia, and researcher at Lund University, was invited to this event as an expert.

During the seminar, the scientific staff of the Law Enforcement Academy got acquainted with the basic requirements of the science of statistics for conducting surveys and received practical knowledge on conducting surveys based on innovative technologies.

At the end of the event, the participants agreed to systematically organize practical seminars to increase the potential of the academic staff of the Law Enforcement Academy.