A dissertation defense was held

A dissertation defense was held

At the next meeting of the Scientific Council under the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, M.Z. Radjapova, an independent researcher of the Academy, presented a lecture entitled "12.00.09 - Criminal proceedings. "Improving the Functions and Powers of the Prosecutor in the Trial of criminal cases in higher courts: a comparative legal analysis" in the field of "Criminology, investigative law, and forensic expertise" was defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in legal sciences.

Within the framework of the research, the effectiveness of the participation of the prosecutor in the higher courts in criminal cases, his legal status, international standards related to the prosecutor's procedural activities, and the analysis of the legislation of foreign countries were studied from a comparative legal point of view, and proposals aimed at improving the practice of national legislation and law enforcement were put forward.

As a result of the defense of the thesis, the researcher was recognized by the members of the Council as worthy to receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in legal sciences.

The Academy team congratulates Mukhtaram Radjapova on the successful defense of her dissertation and wishes her great success in her future academic and professional career!