Seminar training on increasing the scientific potential of the Academy with the participation of a foreign expert

Seminar training on increasing the scientific potential of the Academy with the participation of a foreign expert

A seminar training on "Preparation of scientific articles for publication in internationally recognized journals with a high impact factor" was held at the Academy with the participation of Professor Joan Blum of the Boston Law School (USA).

The two-day event covered the stages of preparing a scientific article, writing a draft of the article, editing it, forming a list of journals with a high impact factor that can be published based on the topic of the article, and presenting the article to the editorial board of the journal.

In addition, the participants of the seminar will be able to develop a research question in the preparation of an article, perform a literature analysis on the topic, refer to Google Scholar, JSTOR, HeinOnline, and other electronic information resources, compile, organize, and cite the list of literature used in the article with the possibility of using the Zotero program. was introduced.

The seminar training, which took place in the style of intense question-and-answer, was highly appreciated by the participants. At the end of the event, Joan Blum was thanked for her significant contribution to increasing the scientific and academic potential of the Academy.