Dissertation requirements

Dissertation requirements

In the framework of the traditional "science hour" at the Academy of Law Enforcement of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the deputy head of the Academy, Professor M.Mamasiddikov, PhD, held a master class on the topic "Requirements for Dissertation".

Doctoral students, independent researchers and graduate students of the Academy and its partners - TDUU, Public Security University, National Center for Human Rights, Higher School of Judges, Chirchik Higher Tank Command and Engineering Academy, Armed Forces, MIA and FVV Academies took part in the event.

In this event, which was held within the framework of "Science hour", detailed information was provided on the issues of interlinking of theory and practice in the development of science, the formation of goals and tasks of scientific research, defining the object and subject, and its methods.

The speaker provided detailed information on the preparation of the dissertation and abstract, the requirements for their formalization, the procedure and requirements for practical implementation of the research results.

The event was full of discussions, and the participants got answers to their questions.