Participated in the regional webinar on the assessment of the volume of illegal financial flows

Participated in the regional webinar on the assessment of the volume of illegal financial flows

Representatives of the Academy participated in the webinar organized by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCATO) and other UN agencies on the assessment of illicit financial flows (ILF).

The event was held in order to get acquainted with the results of the pilot project conducted in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region on methods of estimating the size of NMO, to increase the statistical capacity in this field, and to discuss further actions within the newly launched project on estimating the size of NMO for 2023-2026.

The webinar was attended by international experts, ESCATO representatives and national experts responsible for NMO sizing.

During the event, the representatives of the countries of the region exchanged opinions on the national experience in measuring the size of NMO and the implementation of indicator 16.4.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals at the national level. The deputy head of the Academy, U. Nigmadjonov, gave information about the importance of assessing the size of NMO in Uzbekistan and the priority directions for reducing it.