Entrance exams were held for the Law Enforcement Akademy

Entrance exams were held for the Law Enforcement Akademy

On August 16, 2023, the entrance exams of the Academy's master's degree in "Investigative activity" were held.

The competition for the master's degree is held among the current employees (military personnel) with a basic higher legal education in the field of "Jurisprudence" bachelor's education, who have served at least 3 years in the competent state bodies.

The number of candidates for 34 positions in the specialty "Investigative activity" was 157. The quota for the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is determined by regions.

Training of employees of authorized state bodies admitted to full-time master's degree in "Investigative activity" specialty is carried out free of charge.

Admission to the specialty "Investigative activity" consists of three stages: a special psychological test, a written exam (essay) and a test in a foreign language.

The written exam is aimed at determining the ability of candidates to analyze specialized subjects, work independently with legal sources, and express conclusions on legal issues.

A new approach has been introduced in conducting the exam, according to which the written exam in specialized subjects will be more transparent and impartial, in order to create equal opportunities for candidates in this regard, one ticket will be selected by a representative selected from among the candidates, and all candidates will write answers to any two of the 4 questions on this ticket. caught.

Essay topics are composed of criminal law and criminal procedural law, and the candidate has the opportunity to choose the topic closest to him in the exam ticket in order to fully demonstrate his knowledge and abilities.

Also, a test was conducted to determine the level of knowledge of foreign languages ​​of the candidates.

In order to ensure an impartial, open and transparent conduct of the entrance examination:

- the Knowledge and Skills Assessment Agency under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan was involved in order to compile foreign language test questions, conduct the exam and evaluate the answers;

– the examination process was broadcast online in real time through the official Facebook page of the Law Enforcement  Academy;

- each candidate was assigned an identification number and the exam answers were fully encrypted.

Written exam questions (essay topics) are published on the official website of the Academy one month before the exam.