A regular seminar on anti-corruption issues was held

A regular seminar on anti-corruption issues was held

The Academy organized a seminar in the joint-stock commercial bank "Uzpromstroybank" on the topic: "Management system for combating corruption in commercial banks".

The purpose of the seminar was to exchange positive experience between banks on anti-corruption issues. The event was attended by responsible employees of the Uzpromstroybank Design Bureau, banks with a state share, as well as representatives of the Law Enforcement Academy, the Anti-Corruption Agency and the Accounting Chamber.

The seminar was attended by the head of the Scientific and Educational Center for Combating Corruption of the Academy H.Tursunbekov, who informed the participants in detail about the responsibility for committing corruption offenses provided for by national legislation and international standards, as well as the ongoing reforms to ensure the inevitability of punishment.

At the end of the event, the participants exchanged information on the fight against corruption in the banking sector and got acquainted with the opinions and advice of experts in this field.