An interdepartmental discussion of the next dissertation work was held

An interdepartmental discussion of the next dissertation work was held

Т.Safarov, an independent researcher at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, defended his dissertation titled "12.00.12 - Problems of Corruption (legal sciences)" on the subject of "Improving departmental mechanisms to fight against corruption (in the case of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan)".

The discussion was attended by professors and doctoral students from the Academy, TDUU, and Institute of Legislation and Legal Policy, as well as officials from the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In the discussion, the significance of departmental mechanisms to combat corruption, their purpose and modes of implementation, scientific and practical solutions to implementation problems, research findings, and their role in combating corruption were presented.

During the discussion, the researcher provided a thorough explanation of the participant's queries.