A training course was held on the topic "Basics of working with digital forensics and crypto-assets"

A training course was held on the topic "Basics of working with digital forensics and crypto-assets"

"Basics of working with digital forensics and crypto-assets" was the subject of a training course conducted by the Academy for Prosecutors.

During the course, participants acquired both theoretical and practical expertise in working with digital evidence, seizure, recording, and analysis of digital traces of crimes.

In order to provide the audience with contemporary knowledge, the course schedule also included lectures by foreign experts. BIG Compliance Suite (Canada) representatives discussed using a specialized platform to search the blockchain network for traces of crypto asset transfers. An expert from the United States Secret Service gave a presentation on contemporary cybercrime investigation tools and open-source intelligence methods.

In addition, the specialists of the National Agency for Prospective Projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan gave presentations and conducted practical exercises in order to teach the techniques for identifying illicit crypto-asset transactions.

In addition, the course covered the fundamentals of digital forensics, mobile, computer, and network forensics. There were examples of the use of specialized tools for the assignment of expertise to mobile devices, with a focus on OSINT techniques.

Within the scope of the program, a visit was made to the Digital Forensics Laboratory of the Department for Combating Cybercrimes at the Tashkent IIBB.

At the conclusion of the training, special certificates were given out.