Participated in the meeting of representatives of interdepartmental networks on the return of assets

Participated in the meeting of representatives of interdepartmental networks on the return of assets

The staff of the Law Enforcement Academy participated in the meeting of representatives of the secretariats and chairing countries of the informal networks on asset recovery (ARIN) organized by the European CARIN network of the Secretariat of the Informal Network of Western and Central Asian States (ARIN-WCA) in The Hague (Netherlands).

At this meeting held at the headquarters of Europol, representatives from Europe (CARIN), Asia and the Pacific (ARIN-AP), the Caribbean (ARIN-CARIB), East Africa (ARIN-EA), West Africa (ARIN-WA), South Africa (ARINSA ), representatives of the secretariats and chairing countries of the networks currently operating in the regions of Latin America (RRAG), West and Central Asia (ARIN-WCA), experts from Europol, the European Commission, FATF, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the GIZ Foundation and the US Department of Justice attended.

Within the framework of the meeting, on behalf of ARIN-WCA, representatives of the country that presides over the network this year (Iran) and representatives of the network's Permanent Secretariat (Law Enforcement Academy) made a presentation on ARIN-WCA's activities, completed works, and prospective plans.

The participants of the event were very interested in the ARIN-WCA single survey sample, which provides information exchange between the member states of the network. ARIN network representatives suggested that ARIN-WCA should learn from this positive experience and apply this model within the network as well.

It was also reported that the FATF - Financial Action Task Force has shown interest in ARIN's network activities. It was noted by the participants that this cooperation will help improve the quality of ARIN's activities and strengthen cooperation with local governments and competent authorities.

At the end of the meeting, the participants identified important issues to be discussed in the future, expressed their readiness for active cooperation and further strengthening of relations within ARIN.